Update to Monday Family Walk-Ins
As of October 7, family walk-ins will be paused until further notice to increase access to services. Click here for a list of resources for families. Stay tuned for updates to the family walk-in process.
Fort Lyon Supportive Residential Community provides recovery oriented transitional housing to people experiencing homelessness on a sprawling campus in Bent County, CO. The program combines housing with peer support, and educational, vocational, and employment services for up to 250 people currently or formally experiencing homelessness from across the state.
The Coalition partners with Denver metro landlords to house people with vouchers in need of housing. Most vouchers include security deposit and application fee assistance in addition to one-year lease commitment with rental limits comparable to current Fair Market Rent.
Medical Respite Care is acute and post-acute medical care for individuals experiencing homelessness who are too ill or frail to recover from a physical illness or injury on the streets, but do not require hospital-level care.
The Colorado Balance of State Continuum of Care (CO BoS CoC) was established in 2000 in order to assist rural communities in applying for Continuum of Care funding from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The Coalition builds relationships with employers in order to grow their businesses, support smooth transitions to employment, and contribute to long-term solutions to homelessness in our community.