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Program Overview

Homelessness is not just an urban problem—thousands of families and individuals in Colorado's small cities and towns are also affected. In fact, some circumstances that contribute to homelessness are heightened in rural communities: low wages, seasonal jobs, limited mass transit, limited affordable rental housing, higher rates of domestic violence, and lack of social service and other charitable organizations.

The Rural Initiatives Program is a cooperative partnership between the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless and non-profit homeless service providers in non-metro and rural areas of Colorado. The Coalition and its partner agencies jointly operate nine Continuum of Care funded programs, including seven rapid rehousing programs, one transitional housing program, and one permanent supportive housing program. The Coalition also jointly operates several Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) funded homeless prevention and rapid rehousing programs. These programs provide rental assistance and supportive services to help families and individuals move from homelessness to housing stability and self-sufficiency.

Visit The Library for the Colorado Point-In-Time reports. 

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Locations - Google My Maps

Bezos Family 1 Funding Announcement and Application Process Information

The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) is soliciting applications for the Bezos Day 1 Families Fund program sub-recipients. The Bezos Family 1 Fund funds are received from the Bezos Family 1 Fund Charity Arm of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to implement permanent housing activities to house families (households with young children and/or that include members with disabilities) who are experiencing homelessness. See the announcement for the broad array of family types considered under the definition of "family".

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless is no longer the lead agency for the Balance of State Continuum of Care or HMIS. Click here to be redirected to the State Division of Housing for more information. 

If you’re looking for resources, please try 2-1-1, Colorado’s statewide database for Community Resources. You have a variety of options for contacting them, which include:

  • Call: 2-1-1 (or Toll Free: 888-217-1215)
  • Text: Your zip code to 898-211 and follow the prompts to get information on resources
  • Visit their website: Search for resources by your area or chat with a live representative during business hours.

Colorado Crisis Services

CO Crisis Services aids people experiencing any number of crisis. Including but not limited to: Suicidal thoughts, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Disability and Access, and relationship problems. Visit the website below to learn more. Scroll down to access telephone numbers, chat lines, and other resources in your area.